— Update 03/08/2019 2 PM EST: Windows crash issue has been resolved. Please go to https://github.com/icstechsales/dql-explorer/releases and download latest release. More fixes coming next week.
— Update 03/08/2019 11 AM EST: We are aware of some instance where the code crashes the Domino server when running on Windows at the time we populate the list of databases. We're working on it. Another update coming soon.
Prototype for….- Business users have access to Domino data like never before.
From the Domino documentation, "Domino Query Language
(DQL) is a facility running in Domino core allowing for a terse shorthand
syntax for finding documents according to a wide variety of complexity of
terms. It leverages existing design elements without the need to write detailed
code to access them."
Starting mid-January, we started discussing the possibility
of a solution that would facilitate the creation of DQL queries by
non-developers. And after a few weeks of work, this new tool was showcased at IBM
Think 2019 as DQL Explorer. You can see the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMjSND5cPsE
Today we are excited to announce that we are making the code
for this project available both on GitHub and OpenNTF.
DQL Explorer is built as a web-based UI using React on the
front end and a Domino database for storage and some configuration
functionality. It provides a means for non-developers to use Domino Query
Language to easily search and return data from Domino databases.
Scott Good provides a deeper overview of the capabilities in
this video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/Cfw_6Wvk8c8
# How DQL Explorer was built
- React. A JavaScript
library for building user interfaces.
The application is built using React without bloat, i.e. no Redux.
- Office UI
Fabric React components. The
official front-end framework for building experiences that fit seamlessly into
Office and Office 365. We used it as it is MIT licensed and allows for a
seamless experience in the context of Office 365 where a lot of our Domino
customers tend to work.
- Fontawesome. All icons used in the application are based
on the free Fontawesome library.
- Domino. IBM Domino has always been a stable, secure,
and trusted platform for developing and hosting business-focused collaboration
applications. Choose from a variety of platforms and operating systems to
deliver critical business applications, built for today's world by today's
developers. Access your applications from an Apple iPad and even operate in
disconnected mode on iOS. Secure to the core, IBM Domino V10 has self-healing
and auto-repair, which will further reduce your risk of exposure to outage or
failure. Learn how the value of IBM Domino has been extended dramatically.
# How you can help
1. Sharing this post article with your network, always
2. Contributing and/or testing. You can fork the repo and create pull request
for any updates you make. Some
suggestions on things to work on are under the Issues in the GitHub repo.
Visit the OpenNTF for more details: https://openntf.org/main.nsf/project.xsp?r=project/DQL%20Explorer
Please note this is a prototype and we’re giving the code
away for you to make the most of out of it, this prototype is given to you for
you to use at your own risk.
Also, we developed this prototype under the following specs:
- Domino Server 10.0.1
- Linux CentOS centos-release-7-5.1804.4.el7.centos.x86_64
- dqlexplorer must be located in root data folder
- GA AppDev pack is installed but is not used by the DQL Explorer
Please follow the README.md file for more detailed configuration. https://github.com/icstechsales/dql-explorer
Check latest releases: https://github.com/icstechsales/dql-explorer/releases