Call for Nominations for the OpenNTF Board 2024-2025

Graham Acres | 1 week ago | Comments
It's the time of year when elections are opening for the OpenNTF board. We have five Member Director posts available this year. Those whose term is expiring are:

- Doug Robinson
- Jesse Gallagher
- Serdar Basegmez
- Kim Greene
- Heiko Voigt

Member director posts can be filled by anyone working for an OpenNTF member company. Companies can still become a member company prior to elections. Any company wishing to become a member company should contact a board member on Discord.

The terms of the three Contributor Director posts are also expiring. Anyone with an ICLA or CCLA can apply for the post, which has a one-year term. The current incumbents are:

- Roberto Boccadoro
- Chris Bekas
- Keith Brooks

In addition, long-time member of the OpenNTF Board Paul Withers has announced his intention to leave his position on the Board a year early. Paul has been a significant contributor to our community, is an IBM Champion, and before joining HCL was a Lifetime HCL Ambassador. He continues to lead the open source efforts inside HCL Software as well. We all offer our thanks to Paul for his contributions to the community in general and OpenNTF in particular.

Anyone interested in standing submit their names and a candidate statement to ip-manager at

The election schedule will be:
- Nominations open until 5pm EDT Friday 20th September
- Voting from Monday 23rd September to 5pm EDT Friday 27th September, if there are more candidates than posts
- Winners take office on 2nd October

September OpenNTF Webinars: Domino Containers and One-Touch Setup

Jesse Gallagher | 2 weeks ago | Comments
September brings two webinars: the first covering running Domino in a container (such as with Docker) and the second covering One-Touch Setup.

Note that the schedule this month has the Hangout on an earlier week, to accommodate the speakers' schedules.

Webinar 1: Domino Containers - The Next Step

It's been two years since we called Domino containers ready for production use. In the mean time, a lot has happened in the Domino container project.

Automated downloads and an easy-to-use menu have made it easier than ever to create your own Domino container images, while automated testing during the image build process ensures that your image is working flawlessly before you deploy it.

Join this webinar to learn how easy it is to use Domino containers in your environment and prepare to be WOW-ed!

This webinar will take place on September 19th from 11:00 AM (New York time) to 12:30 PM.

To register for this webinar, go to

Webinar 2: Unleash the Power of One-Touch Setup!

Are you still configuring your servers with remote setup? Since the release of Domino 12, there's a powerful new method for initial and additional server setups.

Join us to discover how to deploy Domino on Windows, Linux, and especially in containers within seconds.

This session will cover comprehensive server configuration, application deployment, and multi-server setups, including Nomad and Verse.

Learn how JSON templating can prompt or replace settings using functionality already built into the container project and Domino start script.

This webinar will take place on September 26th from 11:00 AM (New York time) to 12:30 PM.

To register for this webinar, go to

You can also access information about and recordings of all of our webinars at

Hangout and Repair Café

OpenNTF runs Hangout/Repair Café sessions in Discord each month.

This month's Hangout will take place on September 12th at 11:00 AM New York time. These are casual hangout and chat sessions, so you are encouraged to join for general discussion beyond just any immediate problems you're running into.

To join OpenNTF's Discord, visit

August OpenNTF Webinar: Domino Administration: Things Lurking You May Not Be Aware of and How to Fix Them

Jesse Gallagher | 1 month ago | Comments
Every now and then it is time to take a step back from the day to day and take a deep look into our Domino environments to find what's lurking. It's easy to not notice these things with Domino being such a robust platform, “it just works” so there are key items that often get overlooked.

Think of this as a challenge to find how you can improve your processes and weed out any potential issues before they become real problems.

Each of the items we'll cover we have found while supporting our clients. Hopefully you will leave this session with the knowledge of what to look for in your own Domino environments along with how to remedy items that are lurking, so they don't turn into problems.

Your presenters will be Kim Greene and Michelle Smith.

Kim Greene is president of Kim Greene Consulting, Inc. specializing in providing consulting services for the HCL Collaboration Solutions portfolio. Kim's experience and consulting services range from installing and configuring Domino, Sametime and Traveler servers to performance analysis, system and application tuning, health checks and security reviews, upgrades and migrations, disaster recovery assessments, high availability solutions, and customized application development. Other services offered include providing customized education and training for customers and business partners. Kim is an HCL Ambassador and an IBM Champion.  She is also an OpenNTF Director.

Michelle Smith started her career in IT during her university years with work terms focused on managing and troubleshooting mainframe computer systems. In the years between then and now, she has honed her skills working for a diverse group of organizations that include public utilities, police services, financial institutions, health care providers, and more. Her first project working with Notes & Domino was back in the late 90s when she migrated a non-Y2K compliant email system to the collaboration platform we know and love. She hasn't looked back and is now enjoying her workdays joining forces with Kim Greene Consulting and supporting their Domino clients.

This webinar will take place on August 15th from 11:00 AM (New York time) to 12:30 PM.

To register for this webinar, go to

You can also access information about and recordings of all of our webinars at

Hangout and Repair Café

OpenNTF runs Hangout/Repair Café sessions in Discord each month.

This month's Hangout will take place on August 22nd at 11:00 AM New York time. These are casual hangout and chat sessions, so you are encouraged to join for general discussion beyond just any immediate problems you're running into.

To join OpenNTF's Discord, visit