XPages Jakarta EE support libraries
This release is primarily a bug-fix release, but contains a few new features:
You can now use @ItemStorage(type=ItemStorage.Type.JSON) in NoSQL entities read from view entries. When doing so, it will be important to store the JSON as summary - by default, items written this way will disable the summary flag, but it can be explicitly enabled using @ItemFlags(summary=true) to let them show up in views
You can now add classes implementing JAXRSClassContributor to the NSF to contribute JAX-RS classes, singletons, and properties programmatically. These contributors can be registered with a ServiceLoader file named META-INF/services/org.openntf.xsp.jaxrs.JAXRSClassContributor
JAX-RS status-specific exceptions (NotSupportedException, BadRequestException, etc.) thrown by app code now set the status properly in the response. Previously, NotFoundException already did this, but the others didn't.
Full Changelog: https://github.com/OpenNTF/org.openntf.xsp.jakartaee/compare/2.13.0…2.14.0