Our goal with this project is to create a highly-optimised set of XPages mobile controls with
a) close-to-native performance
b) attractive aesthetics and
c) compatible with the Teamstudio Unplugged mobile offline XPages engine running on iOS and Android devices
We wanted to make it as easy as possible for (reasonably experienced) XPage developers who don’t have much or any mobile development experience to create attractive Unplugged mobile apps.
Using these controls, we've also provided 3 application templates (Doc Library, Journal, Teamroom) that are compatible with the original Lotus Domino application templates. We are targeting both smartphone and tablet users, for iOS (iOS 5.01 and higher) and Android devices (Android 3.0 and higher).
It is our intention to publish periodic updates to these controls to OpenNTF.
**Update: All Doc is now available at http://unplugged.github.io/unplugged-controls/index.html
These controls are primarily designed to work with the Unplugged platform from Teamstudio. However they have been extended and tested to work on Web-kit based mobile browsers for standard Mobile Web Development in XPages. To find out more about Teamstudio Unplugged click here.
Update 2: This project has now been superseded by the XControls Project