This app (a nsf file) can be put in Domino server and viewed via HTTP.
The app can show the topology of Domino Domain. It can give Domino admin an overview of Mail routing topology.
The domino servers in a domain are categorized by NNN (Notes Named Network) and shown as moveable nodes in the page. Each node represents a NNN.
The lines between Nodes show the connections between the NNNs.
The arrows show the direction of the connections.
The numbers in the middle of lines show the weight of connections.
You can drag the Nodes to move them. By clicking a Node, another page will be opened, shown the detail server info of this NNN. By click the server name in this page, another page will be opened, shown the topology with the server in the center of the graph.

kyle yu and Lin Tang are the developers, Niklas Heidloff only committer.