Time Management experts will tell you an individual only has 24 hours in a single day; proper time management isn't finding time in your day, but rather discovering and dealing with inefficiencies in your day. The best way to discover those inefficiencies - at least as recommended to me as part of the AMA Time Management Strategies seminar which I recently attended - is to document how you spend your day.

With that, I introduce Time Tracker, an Open Source Efficiency Tracking Utility for the Lotus Notes Client.

The idea is simple. At the start of your day - upon completion of your first task - create an entry highlighting what you did and whether you feel it was an efficient or inefficient use of your time. Based on several requests, you can also select the priority, apply categories, or even align your time against a project.

For Lotus Notes Client v8.0 and above, you can use the Time Tracker Widget to make this process even easier!

Time Tracker v1.1 - Open Source Efficiency Tracking Utility for the Lotus Notes Client - Sidebar Widget


  • Lotus Notes Client Interface
    Take a look at your daily time log and quickly pinpoint inefficient problem areas in your day. See how your time is spent against your priorities, your projects, and categories that you maintain.
  • Lotus Notes Sidebar Widget
    Making your time tracking even easier, you can opt to use the time logging and categorization capabilities of the Time Tracker v1.1 Lotus Notes Client Sidebar Widget!