Date Name Downloads
Apr 26, 2024 4.0.1 19
Apr 22, 2024 4.0.0 3
Nov 21, 2022 3.10.0 58
Sep 14, 2022 3.9.0 23
Feb 3, 2022 3.8.1 30
Jan 7, 2022 3.8.0 14
Jan 3, 2022 3.7.1 3
Dec 27, 2021 3.7.0 20
Nov 28, 2021 3.6.0 17
Jul 25, 2021 3.5.0 27
Feb 15, 2021 3.4.0 41
Dec 9, 2020 3.3.0 19
Sep 18, 2020 3.2.0 52
Jul 17, 2020 3.1.0 106
Jul 2, 2020 3.0.0 14
Jun 6, 2019 2.1.0 55
Mar 15, 2019 2.0.0 30
Jun 30, 2018 1.4.0 26
Jun 20, 2018 1.3.0 8
Jun 12, 2018 1.2.0 145
May 29, 2018 1.1.0 12
Apr 28, 2018 1.0.0 23
Apr 9, 2018 1.0.0 beta 3 30
Apr 4, 2018 1.0.0 beta 2 8
Apr 2, 2018 1.0.0 beta 1 7
Jun 12, 2018
Apache License

This release has three new configuration options in the Maven plugin:

  • appendTimestampToTitle: Add a compilation-time stamp to the generated NSF's title
  • setProductionXspOptions: To modify the file during compilation to enable compressed and aggregated resources
  • templateName: To set the name used by this DB when acting as a master template (i.e. the $TemplateBuild shared field)

It also fixes a critical bug that affected some databases and led to an exception about UIViewRootEx not being castable to UIViewRootEx2.