Application description:

Application 'Mobile contacts and reminders' has been released as a part of the 2nd development contest on OpenNTF.Org sponsored by IBM Business Partner We4IT. Application is designed to maintain an access to contacts, reminders, email and calendar. Contacts and reminders can be optionally used in off-line mode with limited capabilities. 'Mobile contacts and reminders' is the standalone application based on latest technologies like HTML5 local data store, off-line mode detection and is fully created using xPages technology.


What is in the package?

  • Contacts – list of companies and contacts shared across the organization.  
  • Reminders – easy way to create tasks based on the date and time. Can be related to the particular company or just standalone.
  • Email – easy access to the incoming and sent emails. User can send a new email or reply in a fast way
  • Offline mode - application allows to store data locally so users can work with them without connection to the server.


Technical information:

  • Domino 8.5.2 and higher compatible
  • GUI created using JQuery Mobile
  • xPages based
  • HTML5 offline capability included
  • Working in the desktop browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Opera), iPhone/iPad, Android phones and tablets, BlackBerry.


How to install:

  • download the installation package from openNTF
  • copy provided database to data directory on LN server and sign the design
  • add users to ACL with author or editor access based on requirements
  • users must have an access to NAB(public name and addressbook) as readers at least
  • copy the following 3 views into users mail file: Mail\Mobile\Sent, Mail\Mobile\INBOX. Mail\Mobile\Calendar (the views are part of this application)
  • copy the following single view into public address book: NAB\Mobile\All People  (the view is part of this application)