The Mailer Servlet provides a simple REST based service that can be used to send MIME e-mails, including embedded experience MIME parts.

In order to run this, copy into \domino\workspace\applications\eclipse\plugins and restart the server.

The Servlet only supports POST.  The POST body must be JSON that follows the following data format.

   "To": (Required) {A comma separated list of e-mails or canonical names that will appear in the "to" field of the e-mail.},
   "CC": (Optional) {A comma separated list of e-mails or canonical names that will appear in the "cc" field of the e-mail.},
   "BCC": (Optional) {A comma separated list of e-mails or canonical names that will appear in the "bcc" field of the e-mail.},
   "Subject": (Optional) {The subject of the e-mail.},
   "Principal": (Optional) {From whom the e-mail will appear to be sent.  If not provided the current user will be used or "Anonymous" if no current authenticated user exists.},
      "text_plain": (Optional) {The contents of the text/plain MIME part.},
      "text_html": (Optional) {The contents of the text/html MIME part.},
      "embed_json": (Optional) {The contents of the application/embed+json EE MIME part.  This must be valid JSON.},
      "embed_xml": (Optional) {The content of the application/embed+xml EE MIME part.}

Here's an example POST body:
   "To":"Stanton Sievers/Acme, Ryan Baxter/Acme",
   "CC":"John Doe/Acme",
   "BCC":"Jane Doe/Acme",
   "Subject":"Test e-mail",
      "text_plain":"plain text",

This servlet can operate in two different ways:
* As a standalone servlet, i.e., http:///mailer
* Through a database, i.e., http:///mailer.nsf/mailer.  

If used standalone the servlet MUST have an authenticated user (via SSO for instance) or else the servlet will return a 400 error.  When used standalone the authenticated user's mail database will be used to create and send the document.
If used through a database the servlet will try to create the document in the database (mailer.nsf in the example above).  This is done in two ways:
* If an authenticated user does not have "Create Document" privileges to the database, their mail file will be used.  
* If an anonymous user does not have "Create Document privileges", the servlet will return a 400 error.  
* Unfortunately if the given user (authenticated or otherwise) has "No Access" to the given database the Domino Server may return a 200 response with the login page as the response body.

For more info on servlets check out this great sample:

Stanton and Ryan are the authors, Niklas only committer.