This database template allows you to create a simple Survey Form for the web. Questions can be modified by a Lotus Notes user, instead of asking IT to modify the Form design. When you need a new survey, create a new database from the template, and give your "power user" access to modify the questions.

        End User, &quot;Where's IT when you need 'em? We need 2 new survey forms on the web site, and they have different questions.&quot;<br/>
        IT, &quot;Here are 2 new Lotus Notes databases. You can enter the questions yourself. Open the database, and click on the 'database configuration' button.&quot;<br/>

        End User, &quot;We need to modify question #4 on the survey.&quot;<br/>
        IT, &quot;Hi. You can do that yourself. Click on the 'database configuration' button.&quot;<br/>

        End User, &quot;We need a new survey.&quot;<br/>
        IT, &quot;Here's a new database link. Enjoy.&quot;