Date Name Downloads
Jun 10, 2011 Version 5 685
Jun 9, 2011 Version 4 125
Sep 2, 2010 Version 3 310
Feb 17, 2010 Version 2 469
Jan 31, 2010 Version 1 108
Version 3
Version 3
Sep 3, 2010
Apache License

From feature requests:

  • Classes that don't have a constructor can now be inspected (e.g. lotus.domino.local.Item)
  • The API Inspector now has partial refresh. No more full reload of page
  • Possibility to filter hidden _components (e.g. eventHandlers)

My own tweaks:
  • Removed the clear-button
  • If you select something other than Custom, the input field/inspect button is hidden. To reset, select custom
  • The expression field is now an auto-growing text-area. This allows you to test more advanced expressions in a more user friendly way.
  • Fixed JSF documentation links (Oracle hosts them now)