OpenNTF Projects Dataset


The OpenNTF Projects Dataset is an open dataset containing metadata from the OpenNTF Projects repository. This dataset has been created for testing, demonstration, and development purposes, providing insights into OpenNTF projects and their associated metadata.


  • Contains project and release metadata from the OpenNTF repository as of 15 November 2024.
  • Includes details such as project names, descriptions, contributors, and related information.
  • Includes Domino RestAPI schema files.
  • Openly available under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

Dataset Structure

The dataset is provided in NSF and JSON formats. The schema is as below:


Metadata: sourceDbPath, sourceUnid, sourceUrl, importedOn, importedBy

id: Original id (unid)
name: Project name
overview: Project overview: Short summary of the project
details: Long explanation (mime/html)
detailsText: Non-summary plain text version of details
downloads: Download count (all releases total)
category: Category of the project
chefs: Owner(s) of the project
cooks: Helpers of the project
created: Project created on OpenNTF
latestReleaseDate: Latest release date
lastModified: Last modified
sourceControlUrl: The Url pointing the Git project page.


Metadata: sourceDbPath, sourceUnid, sourceUrl, importedOn, importedBy

id: Original id (unid)
projectName: Project name
version: Version/Name of the release
releaseDate: Date of the release
description: Explanation (mime/html)
descriptionText: Non-summary plain text version of description
downloads: Download count
mainId: Project unid
releaseStatus: Release included in catalog: Yes or No.
released: Released: y or n.
chef: The user creating the release
masterChefs: Master chefs of the project
licenseType: License description


This dataset is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the LICENSE file for more details.


Use cases of this dataset are welcome! If you find any issues or want to enhance the dataset, feel free to reach out.


  • This dataset is prepared by Serdar Basegmez using OpenNTF PMT Export.
  • This dataset is derived from metadata publicly available in the OpenNTF repository.
  • Thanks to all the contributors whose work is reflected in this dataset.