The reason for this is that trim() is used to remove whitespace (ONLY). Following code will fix the issue:
jsonReader class modification
Public Function Parse(p_sJSON As String) As Variant
'* Purpose: This is the only public method for this class. It returns an object
'* created from parsing the input JSON string.
'* Input: p_sJSON: The JSON string to parse
'* Output: Either a JSONArray or JSONObject or combination
'* Calls: ParseMe
Dim sFirstChar As String
Dim sLastChar As String
On Error Goto ErrorHandler
instead of trim() I added a custom myTrim() function
to remove tabs, carriage returns and line feeds
Me.m_sJSON = MyTrim(p_sJSON)
Me.m_iIndex = 0
Me.m_iPrevIndex = -1
Me.m_iLen = Len(Me.m_sJSON)
Me.m_iOrigLen = Len(Me.m_sJSON)
Me.m_sWorking = Me.m_sJSON
Me.m_sChar = Left(Me.m_sWorking, 1)
sFirstChar = Left(Me.m_sJSON, 1)
sLastChar = Right(Me.m_sJSON, 1)
If (sFirstChar = "[" And sLastChar = "]") Or (sFirstChar = "{" And sLastChar = "}") Then
Set Parse = Me.ParseMe
Set Parse = Nothing
Added more informative error message
Error 1000, ERR_INVALID_JSON & " (Block character mismatch ASCII(" & Asc(sFirstChar) & "," & Asc(sLastChar) & ") "
End If
Exit Function
Call Me.RaiseError(Error$ & " Context: " & ERR_CURRENT_CHAR & "'" & Me.m_sChar & "'; " & _
ERR_PREVIOUS_CHAR & "'" & Me.m_sChar & "'; " & _
ERR_REMAINING_STRING & "'" & Me.m_sWorking & "'")
End Function
Function myTrim
Description: Comments for Function
Private Function myTrim(srcstr As string) As String
Dim lindex As Integer
Dim rindex As Integer
lindex = 1
rindex = Len(srcstr)
Do While True
If lindex >= rindex Then
Exit Do
ElseIf Mid(srcstr,lindex,1) = Chr(9) Then
lindex = lindex + 1
ElseIf Mid(srcstr,lindex,1) = Chr(10) Then
lindex = lindex + 1
ElseIf Mid(srcstr,lindex,1) = Chr(13) Then
lindex = lindex + 1
ElseIf Mid(srcstr,lindex,1) = " " Then
lindex = lindex + 1
Exit do
End If
Do While True
If rindex <= lindex Then
Exit Do
ElseIf Mid(srcstr,rindex,1) = Chr(9) Then
rindex = rindex - 1
ElseIf Mid(srcstr,rindex,1) = Chr(10) Then
rindex = rindex - 1
ElseIf Mid(srcstr,rindex,1) = Chr(13) Then
rindex = rindex - 1
ElseIf Mid(srcstr,rindex,1) = " " Then
rindex = rindex - 1
Exit Do
End If
If lindex<=rindex then
myTrim = Mid(srcstr,lindex,rindex-lindex+1)
myTrim = ""
End If
End Function