February's Open Mic topic is Nomad Web & Nomad Mobile

The development team is led by Doug Conmy, the Nomad Architect, and includes people responsible for the Nomad server on Domino, Nomad for iOS, Nomad for Android and Nomad for web browsers.

The session will take place on Thursday, February 27 at 11:00 AM EST / 17:00 CET

Send us your questions in advance

You may now use the openmic@openntf.org e-mail address to send in your questions in advance of the session. Sending questions in advance is very helpful as it gives the dev team a chance to dig into the more challenging questions and come to the session with a detailed answer. You may indicate that you wish to ask your question live during the session if you wish.

Use this link to register for the session: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3199226338567335765

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