Date Name Downloads
Jun 5, 2012 Beta 3 190
May 21, 2012 Beta 2 115
Apr 26, 2012 Beta 1.1 134
Apr 23, 2012 Beta 1 98
Beta 2
Beta 2
May 21, 2012
Apache License

This release is primarily a refinement to the previous one, focusing on performance, stability, and proper class loading.

Specifically, instead of the JSR 223 per-request method used in Beta 1, Beta 2 uses the generic "ScriptingContainer" method of embedding and attaches the runtime to the application scope. In addition, it should be properly able to load classes from the NSF and the XPages class list (e.g. javax.faces.*).

In addition, the domino.rb script has been greatly enhanced with many new, untested convenience methods, intended to match Domino elements up to their standard data types in Ruby (Hash, Array, etc.). In addition, there are a number of convenience methods, such as:

  • #to_a for ViewEntryCollections and DocumentCollections, to get an actual Ruby array (take care with this)
  • #to_xml (aliased as #generateXML to be Java-ish too) to get the DXL version of Views and Forms
  • #to_json for Collections and Documents to get tentatively-formatted and in-progress JSON versions
  • #getUniversalID (aliased as #universal_id) to get the UNID of a Form
  • #document to get the NotesDocument for a Form
  • #queryNamesList(user) for Databases to get a names list for the specified user in the context of the DB (like @UserNamesList)
  • #editable_by?(user) and #user_editable for Documents to tell if a given or the current user can edit the document, based on their ACL level and Author fields in the document