Date Name Downloads
Jan 22, 2014 1.0 327
Feb 15, 2013 Pre-release 3 180
Jan 9, 2013 Pre-release 2 124
Dec 24, 2012 Pre-release 1 190
Pre-release 2
Pre-release 2
Jan 9, 2013
Apache License

Completed rework of threading model. Scheduled annotations are now set as Futures through a ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor while triggered annotations are handled through a ThreadPoolExecutor. Multiple scheduled tasklets can run concurrently (technically even the same tasklet can run multiple methods, but you really should understand concurrency programming if you're going to do that!)

Events received from the C++ API are now part of a DotsEvent queue that limits new object instantiation when processing inbound events.

There is only one instance of each of the individual triggered event types that is used as a prototype object for the event queue.

My own test environment processes about 10300 NOTE_UPDATE events (in events4.nsf) in a multithreaded mode in about 14 seconds.

I hope some people will pick this up and use it. It's not complete, but if you try a few pieces out, you can see just what's possible with event-based tasklets. It's FAST. And I don't just mean a kinda fast. I mean fast like you-won't-believe-its-Domino.