Graham Acres and Chris Coals have contributed a new project to OpenNTF, called AppXtender. Graham wrote that they are working on screenshots and documentation. Below is their description.

"Lotus Domino administrators and developers can now put access to Lotus Notes databases into the hands of remote staff. Increase productivity by streamlining workflow approvals, extending project tracking, allowing remote access to variety of business functions such as CRM, approvals, purchases, and expense requests and more.

Simply point and click through forms and fields to create custom mobile apps. Custom interface styles and the ability to create different layouts and add custom graphics ensure that your new mobile apps can match the look of your business identity to deliver a more seamless user experience. No need to know XPages. [...]

This open sourced version of AppXtender supports HTML5 mobile web pages.  To use AppXtender with a full Native Velocity FlexClient for BB10, iOS and Android, please visit"

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