Karsten Lehmann and Tammo Riedinger have contributed a new project, called Mindoo XPages2Eclipse. Below is Karsten's short description. There is more information on the Mindoo website.

"XPages2Eclipse is a language extension for XPages-development within the Lotus Notes Client. [...] With the help of this extensive toolkit you will be able to develop applications, which exhaust the full potential of the local client. [...]

- Integration of existing Notes applications: filling in Notes forms and Emails with data from XPages applications, accessing documents selected in classical Notes views, running existing LotusScript code
- Import or export of data from IBM Lotus Symphony , supporting documents, spreadsheets and presentations
- Executing document attachments with associated desktop-applications (for Windows, Linux and Mac OS)
- Accessing the clipboard to store HTML, text, images or files
- Executing long-running operations in the background, displaying their progress and cancelling the operation if necessary
- Convenient features like file selection, including multi-selection, and folder selection

[...] XPages2Eclipse comes to your rescue. It enables developers to use functions of the Rich Client, without the need to become experts in either plugin- or Java development. Every feature of XPages2Eclipse can be used from within server side JavaScript."

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