As part of the XPages Masterclass video series, Tony McGuckin has published the fourth part which describes advanced lifecycle optimization.

The video is almost two hours long. Here is a timeline:

1. Understanding the XPages Request Processing Lifecycle [Timeline: 2 mins 11 secs]

2. Reliability, Integrity, Consistency, Efficiency (RICE) [Timeline: 5 mins 33 secs]

3. Advanced Lifecycle Optimization [Timeline: 8 mins 41 secs]

3.1. Reliability [Timeline: 8 mins 41 secs]

3.2. Integrity [Timeline: 16 mins 40 secs]

3.3. Consistency [Timeline: 27 mins 17 secs]

3.4. Efficiency [Timeline: 36 mins 47 secs]

4. Case Study: Greenwell Helpdesk [Timeline: 1 hr 27 mins 32 secs]

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