There are several tools on OpenNTF to read and manipulate the design of XPages applications programmatically (without Designer).

XPages Bazaar (Philippe Riand): XPages interpreter which allows executing XPages code that is developed outside of Domino Designer (video)

Forms 'n' Views (Jesse Gallagher): Forms 'n' Views is intended to be something of a "Designer Lite" for the web - a tool for making quick changes to classic design elements without loading Designer (video)

Import and Export for Designer (Yi Guo, Chen Yang Jun, Stephan Wissel): Allows XPages developers to import and export design elements

DXLMagic (Stephan Wissel): Tools and sample code to export, import, document and manipulate DXL. These tools can be used for example to identify platform dependent code

DXL EMF Model (Nathan T Freeman): This plugin creates an EMF 2.4 model for DXL for Domino 8.5.4. It allows for in-memory Java modeling of DXL-based contents according to the Eclipse Modeling Framwork

Reverse Engineering Notes Apps Sample Code (Nathan T Freeman): Tools to find easily all people, views, columns, etc. in Notes databases

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