Matthias Schneider has contributed a new release of De-Mail for IBM Lotus Notes. Below is his description.

The OpenNTF De-Mail add-in for Lotus Notes has been developed to support exchanging of legal electronic documents between organizations that use Lotus Notes for e-mail as well as with citizens, leveraging De-Mail, the German E-Government communications service.

The newly published release of the add-in has been extended to not only provide an even better and easier integration of De-Mail capabilities into Lotus Notes. It also offers the same set of capabilities and experience now for Lotus iNotes, supporting IBM's approach of easy-to-use web mail based on your proven Domino technology.

Using the provided set of extensions, both Notes and iNotes users could send and receive legally binding e-mails with just a few clicks. This enables companies to establish new ways of communication with their partners and customers using De-Mail technology based on their client of choice - either rich client or web technology.

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