As part of the XPages Development Contest sponsored by IBM business partner We4IT, Martin Rolph, Adam Foster and Graham Simmons have contributed a project called Responsive Website.

They describe the application on the Oval business solutions blog:

"All of us are quite excited to have submitted our entry into the third development contest on OpenNTF.Org sponsored by IBM Business Partner We4IT.
Our entry this year saw us use XPages to develop a simple website/blog template using responsive design. The user interface rescales and adapts automatically based on the client resolution, allowing for a site which works and looks great on mobile, tablet, and desktop devices, whilst only having one design to maintain. Even if, down the line, Apple decides to increase the size on an iPhone screen (for example), this method will ensure that a website still performs as originally required.

This approach is preferred when it's important that the look and feel is consistent between devices, rather than having a separate, and perhaps generic, looking mobile version.

Our entry also demonstrates the use of public access security in XPages, allowing for 'Anonymous' to be set to 'No Access' in the access control list, whilst still accepting comment submissions.  This is far more secure than allowing 'Anonymous' users to have 'Author' access."

There is a nice video that you should check out.

A picture named M2

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