OpenNTF had two successful XPages development contests last year. For the third contest we've changed a couple of things:

First of all the prizes were doubled. Developers can win now prizes with a total of $4800. We did this since this time we also ask for full applications and we understand that it's more work to implement them. Thanks a lot to our sponsor We4IT.

This time we decided to give out monetary prizes. Shipping, customs and taxes caused some logistical issues in the past. It was also hard to identify the gadgets we could give out since everyone has different preferences.

We used an objective process for the judging for the first two contests. This time we wanted to allow even more people from the community to be part of the judging process. Please contact us if you are interested.

We'd like to do more of these contests in the future. However we don't want people to wait with their submissions until the next contest starts. So this time developers can submit all new OpenNTF releases that have been submitted after the last contest ended (12/02/2011).

We kept the goals generic again as in the first contest. But we'd like to see contributions of social and/or mobile apps as in the second contest. That's why we have a new judging criteria "Special consideration will be given to submissions of social and/or mobile applications".

Find out more about the OpenNTF XPages Development Contest.

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