David Taieb and Dan O'Connor have implemented a debug plugin that allows debugging server side Java code in the Eclipse IDE without having to redeploy the plugins after changing them. This plugin is a new version of the first debug plugin which was provided as binary only. The new version is now open sourced so that it can be merged into the bigger project XPages SDK for Eclipse IDE from Nathan Freeman.

Watch this video to see the plugin in action and download it from OpenNTF.

From the readme:

The IBM Lotus Domino Debug Plugin is an add-on to Eclipse IDE that makes it easier for developers to run and debug custom OSGi plugins for IBM Lotus Domino Server. This tool extends the Eclipse Debug Configurations dialog by adding new OSGi Framework options.

Starting in IBM Lotus Domino Server 8.5.2, XPages provides a toolkit for writing custom controls using OSGi plugins. Developers need to export their custom plugins from Eclipse and install them on the Domino Server file system before they can run and be debugged. These operations must be repeated every time a change is made in the code.
To improve productivity, the IBM Lotus Domino Debug Plugin removes the need for exporting and deploying the custom plugins by configuring the IBM Lotus Domino OSGi runtime to load the plugin classes directly from the Eclipse workspace.

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