Dan O'Connor and Graham O'keeffe gave at Lotusphere 2012 the session JMP301 eXtending Domino Designer and XPages. The session describes how to extend the XPages runtime and Domino Designer using Java, Eclipse and OSGi.

We've posted the deck as well as the samples in the project Simple Samples for XPages Extensibility.

Here are the objectives of the session from Dan and Graham.

Show how XPages and Domino Designer can be extended to match your needs and increase developer productivity
- Create new controls and other XPages artifacts
- Deploy artifacts to IBM Lotus Domino servers or IBM Lotus Notes clients
- Explain the Extension Library deployment model

Expose the technical architecture behind XPages
- Describe the technology being used
- Give an overview of how XPages is integrated in both the Domino server and the Notes client

Show an enhanced design time experience in Domino Designer
- Describe how tooling can be provided without the need for additional plugins
- Describe how advanced tooling can be delivered through Eclipse plugins

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