The XPages development team has uploaded a new release of the Extension Library that contains new functionality as Phil describes below PLUS the document library template updated to XPages !

From Phil Riand:

This release integrates major fixes, based on the comments/requests we got in the past month. Plus, it has all the fixes we needed for the Lotusphere live demos :-) Finally, it also includes an attempt to fix the IE8 dialog behavior. Please, let us know if you still see issues with IE8.

On the social side, we integrated some feedback we got at Lotusphere. As an example, look at the twitter sample page, and you'll see the options we added to cache the tweets for 60 secs without calling back the Twitter server (of course, the 60sec can be chenged, and the same behavior can be applied to the other services).

Thank you for the great feedback, and the positive strokes, we got at LS!

Please note that the right release was only uploaded on 01/27/12 at 9:00 AM EST. The zip file in the same release document yesterday was a wrong one.

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