Atsushi Sato, Akihiro Kosugi, Norimasa Hayashida and Atsushi Ono from IBM Japan have contributed a new project - LiveText Enabler for XPages.

Similarly to LiveText in the Notes client, the enabler for XPages underlines certain words that match specific patterns. Users can then mouse over these words to invoke services. At this point the following types and services are supported.

A picture named M2

Extension points to define custom types and associate other services might come later. Right now the source code would have to be extended by developers.

Technically the enabler uses OpenCalais (developers need to register to get keys) and it has been implemented as Java control using the extensibility API.

The best way to understand what the enabler does is to watch this video. There is also documentation available.

Here is a screenshot:

A picture named M3

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