There is a new release of the XPages Mobile Controls project. The new release shows how to use the offline capabilities in HTML5 and IBM Lotus Domino XPages 8.5.2.

Starting with XPages 8.5.2 code drop 4 you can refer from your XPages to a manifest file that defines which resources to cache locally. Especially for mobile apps with limited bandwidth this increases the start up performance of (online) apps. You can also store data locally, either by storing simple name value pairs and by using the SQL database in your browsers.

The HTML5 offline functionality to cache resources and store name value pairs is already available in the newer releases of the browsers (Firefox 3.5, Safari 4, IE8, Chrome 4). In addition to this the webkit based browsers like Safari support the SQL storage. I've tested the samples below on my iPod and Android phone.

Here is the project, here the documentation and here the direct download link.

Here is a video demonstrating the samples:

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