OpenNTF Steering Committee Meeting Minutes - March 23, 2010

In attendance: John Head, Vince Schuurman, Niklas Heidloff, Steve Castledine, Arthur Fontaine, Brent Peters (partial), Justin Hill, Corey Davis, Nathan Freeman (acting chair)

Voted to accept application of Factor-y S. r. l. from Italy and You @ Notes from Germany.

Discussed Peter's availability during his sabbatical. Agreed that he should deal with each member company providing funding directly, rather than trying to centralize payment.

Discussed continuing efforts to achieve NFP status and relevant cost considerations. No resolutions reached.

TC discussed Daniele Vistalli's work to coordinate with Prominic a project dev server and SVN server. Daniele has been working on a presentation detailing the workflow for implementing a project on OpenNTF.

Discussed the need to deepen contacts with GPL community to gain support in GPL IP management.

Adjourned 11:45.

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