Today the winner of the business partner category 'Best Open Source Contribution by a Business Partner' was announced - Task Management from Pavone.

Pavone's Task Management is a simple tool to keep track of an individual's and their team members' tasks. The tasks are federated from various sources, e.g. from the users' mailboxes or from other OpenNTF applications, and displayed in either the Lotus Notes sidebar or in Lotus Sametime. From there the actual tasks can be opened in Lotus Notes or in the web browser.

Technically Task Management leverages new rich client application development features based on Eclipse in combination with the standard NSF capabilities and web services.
Pavone started with the implementation of this application two years ago and contributed it recently as open source to OpenNTF.

The other two finalists were Elenchus from Lotus911 and XPages Name Picker from YouAtNotes.

Here is a screenshot:

A picture named M2

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