We've published a new reusable XPage control. With this control you can see bookmarks of a specific user from Lotus Connections.

This sample is interesting technically since it uses the Domino HTTP proxy server to perform Atom requests to the Connections server directly from the client side Dojo JavaScript.

Here is the entry in the Apache catalog, here the project, here the documentation and here the zip file with the release.

For testing purposes I've put the control on the profile page of a user in the discussion template:

A picture named M2
[full resolution image]

The data is read from the bleedyellow.com Connections server:

A picture named M3
[full resolution image]

In order to read the data the Connections Atom API is used - see here for more.

In order to access another server from the client side Dojo JavaScript the Domino HTTP proxy server is used to handle the one domain security policy - see
here for more. In 8.5.1 the configuration of the proxy changed from as it is described in the article. You need to create a security setting and a policy. You can only run this sample from your Domino server with an authenticated user.

With the proxy requests like this can be made directly from the client side JavaScript:


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