LESS (Leaner CSS) is a dynamic stylesheet language that allows you to use variables, nesting, functions (and more) in your CSS file. LESS files can be compiled into plain CSS file. xspless is the name of a new project that Jesse Gallagher created. It is a LESS CSS Builder for Domino Designer. From the documentation:

"This is an Eclipse builder plugin for Designer. By installing this plugin, right-clicking on an application, and choosing "Add/Remove LESS CSS Nature", it allows Designer to automatically compile LESS files to normal CSS versions. It matches two types: stylesheet resources with names in the form "foo.less.css" (because Designer automatically appends the ".css"), in which case it creates a file named "foo.css" next to it, and file resources elsewhere (e.g. File Resources or WebContent) with names in the form "foo.less", in which case it creates a new file next to it named "foo.less.css" (to avoid overwriting similarly-named normal-CSS files)."

In short: if you add a mystyles.less file to the WebContent folder, Domino Designer will automatically (when the application is "build") create a mystyles.css file in the same folder containing the compiled CSS version of the LESS source file. The download comes with the full source of the project: it also is a good example on how to extend Designer's build process.

A picture named M2

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