July brings two administration webinars from OpenNTF.

Webinar 1: Modern E-Mail Server Operations

This session is about SMTP mail. Whether you use Domino mail inside your company or it's just applications that send and receive mail, Domino mail still plays an important role in today's environments.

In the modern world, sending and receiving email is all about reputation and security. To increase the chance that your mail is delivered at the intended recipient, your mail needs to come from a source with a good reputation. Standards like SPF, DKIM and DMARC play an important role in this, while TLS encryption is used more and more for encrypted transmission of mails.

We'll look at how to configure your Domino server and DNS to send reputable mail in a secure manner and to distinguish reputable mail from spam in the mails you receive.

This webinar will be presented by Martijn de Jong and Daniel Nashed.

This webinar will take place on July 11 from 11:00 AM (New York time) to 12:30 PM.

To register for this webinar, go to https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7099145698994469208

Webinar 2: Admin Best Practices

Our second webinar for the month will cover modern best practices for Domino administrators. More details will follow in a future email.

This webinar will take place on July 18 from 11:00 AM (New York time) to 12:30 PM.

A registration link will be included in the future email.

You can also access information about and recordings of all of our webinars at https://openntf.org/webinars

Hangout and Repair Café

OpenNTF runs Hangout/Repair Café sessions in Discord each month.

This month's Hangout will take place on July 25 at 11:00 AM New York time. These are casual hangout and chat sessions, so you are encouraged to join for general discussion beyond just any immediate problems you're running into.

To join OpenNTF's Discord, visit https://openntf.org/discord

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