Attendees: Elijah, Bruce, Niklas, John, Corey, Sean, Rene, Brent, Peter, Per, Justin.

OpenNTF Meeting Minutes 12/15/2011

1. Approval of meeting minutes from 12/01/2011

2. Contest Update - Very successful lots of high quality submissions. In discussions for the next contest with WEforIT. Ideas for new contest: Connections specific submissions. Open to all type of submissions. Xsnippets submissions. Suggested for a Control that works in a traditional web browser and on a mobile device.

3. Financial Status Update

How to display as three separate documents? Corey will post updates as applicable.

Receivables Outstanding


Need Budget for 2012 for IRS for Organization tabled until after LotusSphere. $69.74 for ordering checks. (approved)

4. Peter Tanner IP Manager Role

Bruce suggest allocating time for Peter for January and February. Suggested time of 3 hours a week for 2 months. $100.00/per hour $2,400.00 allotment. Update from IBM sent various emails conversations are happening. Asking for member contributions should be a last resort. IBM should have an update early in the next calendar year. Motion to approve funds. Motion approved. Brent working on longer term solution.

5. Lotusphere Update - Katherine E from Prominic has info about stickers about $200.00. Bruce generously agreeing to pay. 2 vendor passes given to staff the booth. Many volunteers to staff the booth OpenNTF will be well represented. Niklas and Bruce presenting the App session and a BOF session.

6. Notes/Domino 8.5.3 Upgrade pack release - Clarification needed from OpenNTF? Does it break existing ExtLib install? Going forward should I wait for the next update or install the latest version form OpenNTF?
Confusion around deployment if you are using the existing Extention Library from OpenNTF. Clarifying Blog post - on implementation.

7. IBM Connections on OpenNTF - Niklas

First version of a dedicated Connections site. Need a new logo and domain name. This will be a site to have Connections extensions developers to submit code. Developers see public instances how to get started and videos.

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