It was Bruce Elgort who inspired me to contribute code to OpenNTF. His enthusiasm and engagement has unleashed the wish in me, to be a part of the great OpenNTF community. Every time I had the privilege to talk to him via skype and over time zones, I was more inspired. The work with Bruce in the OpenNTF Board of Directors was fun and driven by his pace. Things that we talked about were transformed from dreams to plans and finally to results.

Bruce, without you, OpenNTF wouldn't be what it is today. You lead the idea that started in the year 2001 to a solid organisation. You guided OpenNTF to the non-profit status and the last project you where involved, the website redesign, looks very promising. OpenNTF has became the home for the "Extension Library", DOTS and the Social Business Toolkit. Other great projects have started on OpenNTF and will find their way into the IBM Collaboration Solution code streams. OpenNTF is a good and stable brand and in a great shape. You have done so many tasks behind the scene, for which we all are very thankful. As one of the honorary directors, your advice will always be welcome.

I personally want to thank you for the time and trust you put into me. Thank you for all your advises and discussions we had during the past year. It's hard to imagine a board without you as a regular director. But, I know about your new love. I saw it in your eyes, when you talked about your students. What a great teacher they have, I'm a bit jealous. It's very important to have a good teacher and in the meantime, we will build the community, where they can put all the great stuff they have learned, into action.



PS: That is my personal view and experience

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