A few weeks ago IBM Business Partner FoCul released an open source version of their Survey Manager product. The Survey Application is Apache Open Source and is a derivative of the FoCul Survey Manager Product. You can see a demo here http://www.focul.net/sm-apache-demo. You can also view a screencast here http://seancull.co.uk/public/seancull.nsf/dx/apache-xpages-survey-applications.htm.

There are three versions of the app available:
- A Pro version supporting integration with other Apps, multiple languages and other features.
- A free Lite version with optional support.
- The Apache Open Source version available on OpenNTF.
I asked Sean Cull of FoCul for a quote about why they built and made available an open source version of Survey Manager and here is what he had to say"

"I think a lot of developers are hesitant to share their code examples because they think that it is not bleeding edge or even best practice. The nice thing about sharing a whole application is that it is more than the sum of its parts. Although none of it may be very clever the whole application is both useful provides good examples of how to do things. Every time I look at someone else's application I find at least one thing that makes me think "how or why did they do that ?" and I learn something new.

At FoCul Our passion is developing collaborative applications that help our customers to be more efficient, more competitive and to demonstrate that they are in control of their key processes. XPages and the new XWork server have created a lot of opportunities for us to bring quality collaborative applications to both new and existing customers. Learning XPages has been a difficult journey and one which has only been possible because of the tremendous spirit of sharing and openness in the Lotus community. We wanted to give back to the community by sharing our XPages survey application so that other people can get up to speed easier and demonstrate what XPages can do."

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