Please join OpenNTF in welcoming Turkish IBM Business Partner Developi as a new OpenNTF member.

Developi's Serdar Basegmez says:

"Developi is proud to be a member of OpenNTF Alliance. So far, we were trying to support OpenNTF activities at an individual level. Because we believe in open source communities leverage the value of their software technologies. It's not only downloading sample codes or ready-to-use projects; such an initiative bands passionate developers together, improves communication and collaboration within a global community and decreases knowledge barriers around the technology. Our OpenNTF is 9 years old today, and they have always been an integral part of the IBM Lotus community. Therefore, for a company dedicated on IBM Lotus Software, supporting OpenNTF in a corporate level, taking responsibility for a community alliance and advocating this vision in our market should be seen as an important investment to our technology, so our business."

Tomorrow we will announce another new IBM Business Partner who has joined as a member.

Learn how your company/organizations can become a member on our FAQ page >

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