Get agents schedule information using DXL
Java code if you programmatically need to get the schedule for agents. it uses DXL to export and XML class to parse the XML, You can also use this to easily parse other values from a database XML representation.
For some reason DXL seem to be using internet security because you need to set "Maximum internet name and password" access to Manager or maybe Designer to access design objects through DXL,
Sample output for two agents in my database, One is schedule to run every 10 minutes, the other is triggered via action menu
FileImporter / trigger: byminutes / 0 hours / 10 minutes
Update / trigger: actionsmenu
Thomas Adrian
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Added 2023-Nov-09
Log.nsf Viewer
simple log.nsf viewer that output all rows from log.nsf containing the phrase "Start executing agent".
- The webview show all rows categorized by agent.
- it allows you to see date and time each time any specific agent has run.
- Can easily be modified to show other stuff from log.nsf
Thomas Adrian
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Added 2023-Sep-08
Pretty print JSON in LotusScript
You can use this code to format a JSON string, it does not add any colors, it only add indentation.
in my case I do an api call and store the response in a notes field so that user easier can read the response
Tested on 12.0.2, if it is not working you may need to add gson to your scriptlibrary
Thomas Adrian
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Added 2023-Mar-31
Sorts a NotesDocumentCollection by DateTime item in reversed order - latest at top
This is a modified version of Ulrich Krause snippet that can be found here
as long as the datetime value contains unique values all entries are returned
JavaScript (Server)
Thomas Adrian
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Added 2023-Jan-26
Fast view column reader
The code is part of a class. It reads view data into a cache. That cache can of course be used multiple times. Using a NotesViewEntryCollection proved to be a lot slower.
fillCacheR recursively fills the cache with column data. If the data fetched is over 32K, Evaluate won't return an Array, so the request is split in smaller requests, and so on.
setSearch is used to supply the key field or column and values for a series of @DbLookup calls.
Sjef Bosman
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Added 2022-Oct-27
Create a Connection Document in the user's NAB
This is the code of the agent used in the Collabsphere Session INF107 - Useful Hacks for Domino Administrators.
Replace Domino Server Name from CN=SERVERDOMINO/O=TEST to your Domino Server Name
Marianna Tomasatti
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Roberto Boccadoro
Added 2022-Oct-20
Create a Group based on a field (Company Name) in a Person Document
This script was started by me, messed up by me, and fixed by the great Bruce Lill.
My customer has internet registration and we wanted to automate much of the process.
Once someone is registered, then they need some groups created based on their Company name (Field name is CompanyName).
In the code substitute the Domino Server name where you see SERVER/ORG and the adminp will create the group within a minute or so once the user name is selected.
NOTE: Presumes you already have your Directory/NAB (Names.nsf) open
1) From the Notes top menu, click on Create, then click on Agent. In the window that opens, give the agent a name and description
2) Type is Lotusscript and click ok
3) Copy then paste in the code
4) Edit the SERVER/ORG to your server name that this will run on
5) This customer wanted an X in front of the company name but you could remove it or change it as you need for your purpose
6) Save your agent
7) Test the agent by going back to your Directory and going to a test person in the list of users
8) Click on Action from the Notes menu and find your new Agent and click on it to run it
9) Open the Groups list and see if it is there, after a minute or 2
Keith Brooks
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Added 2022-Apr-07
Magic Button by Tim Tripcony
Source: Tim Tripcony, 2008 -
Magic button is a formula to be added as a toolbar button in Notes which provides ability to change field value for any field on selected document.
"For as long as I can remember (possibly 2001) I've always maintained some variation on a SmartIcon toolbar button that a former coworker called the "magic button": it allows new fields to be added to a document and existing fields to be overridden or deleted from the document, either while editing the document or while it's selected in a view. I've seen various approaches to this basic concept over the years, and each time I install Notes on another computer, I either consult the Google to find one I've used before or just reconstruct it from memory. It finally occurred to me that if I just posted the one I'm currently using here, not only would it be easier for me to find later, but some of you might find it useful as well. So here's the current incarnation of said magic button..."
Serdar Basegmez
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Jinsun Jeong
Added 2022-Feb-21
Simple (and limited) Xpages export to Excel with no external dependencies
This snippet is useful when your excel export is as simple as just 1 sheet with data tha can be handle in an HTML table.
The idea is to get an XAgent "connected" to a session-scoped managed bean. There is no need to use external libraries.
Feel free to contact me if you have any question or improvement.
@javdev84 -
Javier Sanchez
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Added 2022-Feb-13
Log to Domino using JSON
This XPAGE read json from a POST request and create a log entry in the database. This is useful if you have code in other environments like a c# console application and want to use a Domino database as log storage.
Paste this code into a new xpage and send the json using POST to /db.nsf/xpagename.xsp/logger
You need to create a form named "Log" in the database with the fields specified in the code.
If you try this using Postman you should get "Domino LogEvent registered" as result
Thomas Adrian
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Added 2021-Dec-13
Script to fix a Mail File Location in a Person Document
This is a simple thing, but one that is very valuable, especially when doing server folder or drive changes, email migrations or corporate mergers.
The important piece which people forget is what to do when the syntax is caps or lower case.
This script sets the syntax to lowercase.
NOTE: Presumes you already have your Directory/NAB (Names.nsf) open
1) From the Notes top menu, click on Create, then click on Agent. In the window that opens, give the agent a name and description
2) Select FORMULA
3) Copy then paste in the code
4) Edit the directory name (mail2 in this example) to whatever one you are trying to change that is in the person document.
5) Edit the directory name it should be changed (mail in this example)
6) Save your agent
7) Test the agent by going back to your Directory and go to a test person in the list of users
8) Click on Action from the Notes Menu and find your new Agent and click on it to run it
9) Open the person doc and see if all looks good, if not, check your syntax
Admin Scripts
Keith Brooks
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Added 2021-Oct-09
An alternative way to include the newest version of CKEditor 4
CKeditor is developing rapidly, however the implementation in XPages is staying behind.
Pasting content from MS Word for example isn't working anymore like it supposed to do and loading large chunks of content from a Java bean into an inputRichText field is taking like forever.
I created an alternative way of implementing a new CKeditor.
Use the following steps:
0. Your application contains a Javabean "Name" which contains a field "field" and a getter en setter. However any name will do, just change the properties.
1. First download the latest version of CKeditor 4 from the site
2. Open the Navigator view in Domino Designer
3. Paste the CKEditor into: /WebContent/ckeditor4
4. Create a Custom Control with the following name: ckEditor4RichText
5. Paste the code and save the control
6. Add property defenitions to the CC:
fieldName with type: String
toolbar with type String
beanvalue with type: object AND editor: Method Binding Editor
7. Create a XPage and insert the Custom Control:
The toolbar can implement any CKEditor toolbar. this example contains just a basic toolbar.
8. Now compile and watch the magic :)
You can add any kind of plugin to the CKEditor.
Some advanced knowledge of Domino Designer and Javascript could be handy.
René vd Weide
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Added 2021-Apr-12
Converting Regular Common Name Lists into Notes Hierarchical Names
I prefer to have people in Notes format in groups because no one knows the future, although the names will work in a simple one domain network, there is always something new down the road and the names should be in a proper format.
When given a new application to push out and an ACL with long lists of people, this will do the lookups for you in a few seconds, once you set this up for yourself.
This script works with your PNAB (Personal Name and Address Book) also called contacts list and is the local Notes client names.nsf file.
This will create a button in your Toolbar.
1. Go to File->Preferences->Toolbar->Customize from your Notes client.
2. From the top box, I customize the Universal toolbar so select it from the dropdown.
3. Below the window box of icons, Click on New->Button.
4. Give it a Caption text, I used: Get Notes Names.
5. Popup Help text really is the name that shows when you hover over the icon, I would just repeat the name used in Step 4.
6. Change the icon to something either meaningful to you or whatever will be unique for you to notice it, I use a yellow ball.
7. Paste the code from the code box on this page into the Formula box of your Toolbar Icon window.
8. Click Ok.
9. Click Save Toolbar.
10. Click Ok.
That concludes the code part of this snippet.
1. If you don't have the Universal Toolbar showing by default, turn it on by going to View->Toolbar and clicking on Universal.
2. Open your PNAB (Personal Address Book), also called Contacts of your Notes client, it is usually the names.nsf file.
3. Click on Groups from the list of options in your Contacts.
4. Click on New to create a new Group.
5. You can name it anything, I keep a generic empty group for this purpose and call it Converts.
6. In the main field, copy and paste the list of names to get Notes Names from your company NAB/Directory.
7. Click Save and Close.
8. Now with the group you created highlighted/selected, click on the Icon created in the toolbar we created earlier.
9. You will receive a pop-up window one completed stating Found XX emails for XX Notes Names. This is important so you know if you got everyone or if you had any typing mistakes or people who may have left the company.
10. Now if you open the group you will see the Notes Names for everyone in the Comments & Attachments section and can copy and paste those into the new ACL groups or whatever your need.
If you used this and it helped you great! Please rate it and let me know you used the code. I am @Lotusevangelist on Twitter
This was put together with the help of fellow IBM Champions and HCL Ambassadors a long time ago and Jesse Gallagher when I edited this for verification about some questions I had at the time.
Admin Scripts
Keith Brooks
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Keith Brooks
Added 2021-Jan-18
Looking up and Converting a List of Notes Names into their Email Address
When asked to pull the email names for a list of Notes names so marketing could export them to an outside mailing list, I figured there had to be a better way than looking them up individually. Luckily, there is.
This version owes a hat tip and thanks to the inspiration code from the amazing Stephan Wissel and this post of his:
I had to adjust the code over time a little bit but I also want to give credit where it is deserved.
This will create a button in your Toolbar.
1. Go to File->Preferences->Toolbar->Customize from your Notes client.
2. From the top box, I Customize the Universal toolbar so select it from the dropdown.
3. Below the window box of icons, Click on New->Button.
4. Give it a Caption text, I used: Get Email Addresses.
5. Popup Help text really is the name that shows when you hover over the icon, I would just repeat the name used in Step 4.
6. Change the icon to something either meaningful (toolbar_ccmail.gif icon perhaps?) or whatever will be unique for you to notice it.
7. Paste the code from the code box on this page into the Formula box of your Toolbar Icon window.
8. Click Ok.
9. Click Save Toolbar.
10. Click Ok.
That concludes the code part of this snippet.
1. If you don't have the Universal Toolbar showing by default, turn it on by going to View->Toolbar and clicking on Universal
2. Open your PNAB (Personal Address Book), also called Contacts of your Notes client, it is usually the names.nsf file.
3. Click on Groups from the list of options in your Contacts.
4. Click on New to create a new Group.
5. You can name it anything, I keep a generic empty group for this purpose and call it Converts.
6. In the main field, copy and paste the names to get emails from your company NAB/Directory.
7. Click Save and Close.
8. Now with the group you created highlighted/selected, click on the Icon created in the toolbar we created earlier.
9. You will receive a pop-up window one completed stating Found XX emails for XX Notes Names. This is important so you know if you got everyone or if you had any typing mistakes or people who may have left the company.
10. Now if you open the group you will see the emails for everyone in the Comments & Attachments section.
Cool, right? I taught AA's how to use this and they love it and never bother me anymore.
If you used this and it helped you great! Please rate it and let me and Stephen know you used the code.
I am @Lotusevangelist and Stephan is @notessensei on Twitter
Admin Scripts
Keith Brooks
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Keith Brooks
Added 2021-Jan-17
Create a Forwarding Address in a Person Doc based on Email Address
This is a simple thing, but one that is very valuable, especially when doing domain changes, email migrations or corporate mergers.
The important piece which people forget is what to do when the syntax is caps or lower case.
This script solves that problem by setting the existing email to lowercase.
NOTE: Presumes you already have your Directory/NAB (Names.nsf) open
1) From the Notes top menu, click on Create, then click on Agent. In the window that opens, give the agent a name and description
2) Select FORMULA
3) Copy then paste in the code
4) Edit the to your domain (ex:
5) Edit the to the new domain (ex:
6) Save your agent
7) Test the agent by going back to your Directory and go to a test person in the list of users
8) Click on Action from the Notes Menu and find your new Agent and click on it to run it
9) Open the person doc and see if all looks good, if not, check your syntax
Admin Scripts
Keith Brooks
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Keith Brooks
Added 2020-Dec-15