Const APP_FORM = "Appointment" Const DD_SERVER = "Serv01" Const SEPERATOR = "!!" Class CEntry Public Sub new() End Sub Private startdttm As NotesDateTime Private enddttm As NotesDateTime Private moddttm As NotesDateTime Public Property Set StartDT As NotesdateTime Set startdttm = StartDT End Property Public Property Set EndDT As NotesdateTime Set enddttm = EndDT End Property Private strLocation As String Public Property Set Location As String Me.strLocation = Location End Property Private varCategories As Variant Public Property Set Categories As String Me.varCategories = Split(Categories,";") End Property Private strType As String Public Property Set AppType As String Me.strType = AppType End Property Public Property Get AppType As String Select Case Ucase (Me.StrType) Case "APPOINTMENT", "TERMIN" AppType = "0" Case "ANNIVERSARY", "JAHRESTAG" AppType = "1" Case "EVENT", "GANZTAEGIGE VERANSTALTUNG" AppType = "2" Case "MEETING", "BESPRECHUNG" AppType = "3" Case "REMINDER", "ERINNERUNG" AppType = "4" Case Else AppType = "0" End Select End Property Private strsubject As String Public Property Get subject As String subject = Me.strsubject End Property Public Property Set subject As String Me.strsubject = subject End Property Private struser As String Public Property Get user As String user = Me.struser End Property Public Property Set user As String Me.struser = user End Property Public Property Get MailFile As String Dim s As New NotesSession If Me.struser = "" Then MailFIle = "" Else ' Notes Version is < 8.x If s.NotesBuildVersion < 307 Then Dim db As New NotesDatabase ( DD_SERVER, "names.nsf" ) Dim v As NotesView Dim doc As NotesDocument If db.IsOpen() Then Set v = db.GetView("($Users)") If Not ( v Is Nothing ) Then Set doc = v.GetDocumentByKey (Me.user) If Not ( doc Is Nothing ) Then MailFIle = doc.MailServer(0) & SEPERATOR & doc.MailFile(0) Else Goto ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND End If Else Goto ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND End If Else Goto ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND End If Else ' we are running at least Notes Version 8 On Error 4731 Goto ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND Dim notesdir As NotesDirectory Set notesdir = s.getDirectory(DD_SERVER) Dim homeserver As Variant homeserver = notesdir.GetMailInfo (Me.struser, False, False) mailfile = Cstr(homeserver(0)) & SEPERATOR & Cstr(homeserver(3)) End If EXIT_PROPERTY: Exit Property ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND: mailfile = "" Resume EXIT_PROPERTY End If End Property Public Function CreateSingleEntry As Integer CreateSingleEntry = 0 ' no error If Trim(Me.strSubject) = "" Then CreateSingleEntry = 3 ' Subject missing Exit Function End If If Me.startdttm.TimeDifference (Me.enddttm) > 0 Then CreateSingleEntry = 4 ' EndDT before StartDT Exit Function End If If Me.MailFile = "" Then CreateSingleEntry = 1 'No MailFile or User not found Exit Function End If Dim db As New NotesDatabase ( _ Strtoken (Me.Mailfile,SEPERATOR,1), Strtoken (Me.Mailfile,SEPERATOR,2)) If db.IsOpen () Then Dim session As New NotesSession Dim nam As NotesName Dim cEntry As New NotesDocument (db) Dim rtitem As Variant Dim itemIcon As NotesItem Dim item As NotesItem Dim ret As Variant Set nam = session.CreateName(Me.struser) '----------- Set User and Description ---------------- cEntry.Form = APP_FORM cEntry.~$Programmatically = "1" 'cEntry.tmpOwnerHW = "0" Set item = New NotesItem(cEntry, "From", nam.canonical) item.IsAuthors = True Set item = New NotesItem(cEntry, "Principal", nam.canonical) 'Set item = New NotesItem(cEntry, "Chair", nam.canonical) Set item = New NotesItem(cEntry, "$BusyName", nam.canonical) item.IsNames = True cEntry.AppointmentType = Me.AppType Select Case Me.AppType Case 0 Set itemIcon = New NotesItem(cEntry, "_ViewIcon", 160) Case 1 Set itemIcon = New NotesItem(cEntry, "_ViewIcon", 63) Case 2 Set itemIcon = New NotesItem(cEntry, "_ViewIcon", 168) Case 3 Set itemIcon = New NotesItem(cEntry, "_ViewIcon", 9) Case 4 Set itemIcon = New NotesItem(cEntry, "_ViewIcon", 158) End Select itemIcon.IsSummary = True cEntry.~$BusyPriority = "1" cEntry.Subject = Me.subject '----------- Set Date and Times ---------------- cEntry.StartDateTime = Me.startdttm.LSLocalTime cEntry.StartDate = Me.startdttm.LSLocalTime cEntry.StartTime = Me.startdttm.LSLocalTime cEntry.EndDateTime = Me.enddttm.LSLocalTime cEntry.EndDate = Me.enddttm.LSLocalTime cEntry.EndTime = Me.enddttm.LSLocalTime cEntry.calendarDateTime = Me.startdttm.LSLocalTime '----------- Set Other Fields ---------------- cEntry.~$NoPurge = Me.enddttm.LSLocalTime cEntry.~$PublicAccess = "1" cEntry.MailOptions="" cEntry.tmpWhichList = "" Set item = New NotesItem(cEntry, "ExcludeFromView", "D") Call item.AppendToTextList ("S") cEntry.OrgTable = "C0" cEntry.Location = Me.strLocation Set item = New NotesItem(cEntry, "Categories", varCategories) 'cEntry.Categories = "Test" cEntry.Logo = "stdNotesLtr0" cEntry.OrgState = "x" cEntry.Repeats = "" cEntry.Resources = "" cEntry.SaveOptions = "" cEntry.SequenceNum = "1" cEntry.APPTUNID = cEntry.UniversalID '//Call cEntry.ComputeWithForm (False,True) Call, True) Else CreateSingleEntry = 2 'MalFile cannot be opened End If End Function End Class Sample Usage Sub Click(Source As Button) Dim CEntry As New CEntry() CEntry.AppType = "Appointment" CEntry.User = "Beta User/Singultus" CEntry.Subject = "This is a test appointment" CEntry.Location = "Mettmann" CEntry.Categories = "Test;test1;test2" Set CEntry.StartDT = New NotesDateTime("11.07.2008 13:00:00") Set CEntry.EndDT = New NotesDateTime("11.07.2008 14:00:00") Msgbox CEntry.CreateSingleEntry End Sub