This application will pull down information from your corporate directory or any address book you specify in the settings document, including personal contacts, and then save the information for offline use. Domino server 8.5.2, or 8.5.3, are required as is Session Authentication.
This application will work with IOS and Android operating systems
Video of application
<strong>Steps to install</strong></div>
1. Make sure your server has session authentication turned on. This is a requirement. Check the server document or the internet sites document for this setting. Single server is fine as are all others.
2. Create a database from this template. If desired create a settings document, but this is only needed if you do not want to use names.nsf as your Directory to sync to the phone.
3. Connect to the database in the phones browser
4. Login in and wait for data to be transferred.
5. On an iPhone or iPad save it to the home screen as a bookmark.