webshell-xpages-ext-lib 1.1.2
webshell-xpages-ext-lib 1.1.2
Nov 13, 2014
Apache License

Important! As part of the installation make sure the following are in your notes.ini to ensure successful boot of your websocket installation:



As of release 1.1.2

-Added SSJS websocket embedded client to process socket messages server side via Rhino JavaScript engine
(see blog post http://markwambler.blogspot.com/2014/11/ssjs-and-websockets.html)
-Improved performance of requestURI message routing
-Fixed a few bugs dealing with recursive document creation for queued documents
-Some new command line calls available:

register-script (takes four arguments host uri event scriptpath)
reload-scripts (takes no arguments and reloads from source nsf and re-compiles all scripts)
show-scripts  (takes no arguments, renders all the registered scripts)
remove-script (takes one argument that is the path to the lib i.e./chat.nsf/scriptlib)

(be sure to update both websocket.nsf, and chat.nsf w/ latest templates)