This project provides access to a simple demo theme that uses AngularJS and Bootstrap to render the page for IBM WebSphere Portal 8.5.
Important notice: This theme requires IBM WebSphere Portal 8.5 CF03.

As part of the theme package you get a simplified theme that uses AngularJS ( as well as Bootstrap ( to render the page.

AngularJS is used as a markup generation tool to render various parts of theme such as the navigation based on server side feeds. The server side feeds are implemented using the Java Server Pages (JSP) technology to keep them as simple as possible for demo purposes. Components and styles are used from Bootstrap, for instance NavBar, Breadcrumb and Grid system. Once the theme is installed you can start to customize and adapt it to your needs.

For more information on theme customization please look here.

Portlet Considerations

In case you plan to use AngularJS based portlets you have to follow these steps in order to get them working.

  1. remove external AngularJS javascript
  2. remove ngApp and replace with id attribute, like this ng-app=“angularApp” –> id=“angularApp”
  3. add angular.bootstrap like this at the end.
    angular.bootstrap($("#angularApp")[0], ["angularApp"]);

Installation Instructions

Using the Config Wizard

The Config Wizard allows to install the PAA using a guided user interface. Please read more about how to use it here

Install using the command line

  1. Download the PAA package and make it available on the hard drive, for instance/opt
  2. Open up a shell or command prompt and change into the config engine's directory
  3. Install the PAA using the config engine's install task. Don't forget to provide the username and password as shown below.
    ./ install-paa -DPAALocation=/opt/angularBootstrapTheme.paa -DWasPassword=WAS_PASSWORD -DPortalAdminPwd=PORTAL_PASSWORD
  4. Deploy the PAA using the config engine's deploy task. Don't forget to provide the username and password as shown below.
    ./ deploy-paa -DappName=angularBootstrapTheme -DWasPassword=WAS_PASSWORD -DPortalAdminPwd=PORTAL_PASSWORD
  5. Login to WebSphere Portal and create two new pages, one for each theme. The WebDAV based one and the WAR based one.

Uninstall using the command line

  1. Open up a shell or command prompt and change into the config engine's directory
  2. Remove the PAA using the config engine's remove task. Don't forget to provide the username and password as shown below.
    ./ remove-paa -DappName=angularBootstrapTheme -DforceRemove=true -DWasPassword=WAS_PASSWORD -DPortalAdminPwd=PORTAL_PASSWORD
  3. Uninstall the PAA using the config engine's uninstall task. Don't forget to provide the username and password as shown below.
    ./ uninstall-paa -DappName=angularBootstrapTheme -DforceRemove=true -DforceUninstall=true -DWasPassword=WAS_PASSWORD -DPortalAdminPwd=PORTAL_PASSWORD