Two years ago we had the idea to develop a plugin which collects all tasks or activities from a person. After discussing an architecture we decided to use web services. The plugin should call a web service in a connected application. The application should be a Lotus Notes database or any other application which implements the web service. Further, it should be possible to use the plugin in a Lotus Notes sidebar and in the Lotus Sametime client.

It was not one of our major projects, so the development took some time. Last year we have finished the first version. Since the standard way to install a Lotus Notes plugin is difficult, we decided to implemented an installation application for this. Besides our own application we implemented web services for an open source GTD database and for the Lotus Notes Mail R7 template.

In the plugin we use other open source applications, such as JibX. Jibx ( is an open source java framework to read and write XML files.

End of May 2009 we decided to add the task management plugin as an own project to Although the plugin contains several functions I'm sure that there are several enhancements possible. Especially, the implementation of other interfaces and the reading of local Lotus Notes applications.

Because it is our and my first open source project I am curious about the next steps.

You can find the new task management project on OpenNTF here.

A picture named M2

(contributed by Rolf Kremer - Pavone)

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