Alistair Rennie, General Manager IBM Lotus, has just announced the winner and the finalists of the Open Source Category of the Lotus Awards.

Winner: ISW -

Finalists:  Declan Lynch (
fileSendr), Ferry Kranenburg (Source Sniffer)

Wildfire is an Eclipse plugin for the Lotus Notes 8.5 sidebar used to update ones social network status as well as receive feeds from those networks. Wildfire supports a wide range of social networks such as Lotus Connections, Lotus Sametime, Twitter, Facebook, Socialtext, and Linkedin. With the click of a button, you can efficiently update your status on multiple social networks. By contributing Wildfire to OpenNTF, ISW achieves several objectives which are important in today's social business environment. They facilitate social interaction, allow other developers to benefit from their knowledge, and raise their own profile in the community.

A picture named M2

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