The goal of the Webfile Manager project was to enable Lotus Domino users to send large files securely both internally within an organization and with external customers and contacts.

The Application was to be accessible from a web browser and require little or no training for both the sender and recipients. The project was designed to provide similar functionality to products such as and but make use of an organizations investment in the Lotus Domino software platform.

Security is a key feature of the Application as files are encrypted and added to a ZIP file for transit before they even leave the user’s computer.
The ZIP files are secured with AES encryption and the files are zipped and encrypted (then unencrypted at the recipients computer) using signed Java Applets.
I know Java Applets are not particularly “in vogue” however they are the only cross platform web based tool that can handle the encryption and zip process without the need to install software on the sending and recipients computers.

Companies such as are already using the Application so download your copy of Webfile Manager and check it out.

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