The project Elenchus from Tim Tripcony has been added to the Apache catalog which means that it has been cleared. Elenchus is an XPages based Domino application that allows users to post questions to one another and to answer each other's questions.

Yesterday a new project from Adam Brown and Andrew Welch was created - Wildfire. WildFire is a Lotus Notes 8.5 sidebar application to update status across a wide range of social networks including Sametime, Connections, Facebook, Twitter and more. Adam Brown blogged about it and received positive feedback (e.g. from Chris Blatnick).

OpenNTF committer Declan Lynch created a new project fileSendr that he blogged about. fileSendr is a file transfer solution with the ability to upload files that are too big for regular email, send the notifications and then have the notified person download the files.

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