The OpenNTF committer Rolf Kremer has added the popular OpenNTF project OpenLog to the Apache catalog which means that is has been legally cleared. OpenLog is one of the most downloaded OpenNTF projects from Julian Robichaux and Rob McDonagh. OpenLog is a common error and event logging framework for all of your Notes databases, agents, scripts, and web pages.

In the last two months OpenNTF had four times more releases than in the previous year (12/08: 8, 12/09: 36, 11/08: 9, 11/09: 38).

A huge thank you to everyone who has contributed code or helped OpenNTF in any other ways !

Also for everyone who doesn't follow planetlotus on a daily basis - there are discussions about OpenNTF and OpenNTF projects in other people's blogs. For example Rene Winkelmeyer writes about a company who wants to deploy File Navigator to 3000 users, Andy Porter writes about the File Navigator feature to export mails as EML files, Frank van der Linden writes about the usage of the XPage tree control project, Keith Brooks writes about the Domino Quickr customization project, Arne Nielsen writes about the status updater plugin, etc.

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