As part of the discussion next gen project we've added some improvements regarding email notifications.

You can download the latest release from here.

Some weeks ago when we did the IdeaJam voting the second most requested feature was configurable email notifications. So we've added capabilities to use different subjects, include headers and footers and optionally also abstracts.

Additionally we've extended the interest profile to also get notifications for all new documents and all new documents of threads a specific user has contributed to.

Furthermore we've added the ability to send links to the web user interface rather than only Notes links.

We've added two more settings in the users interest profile (the two most important ones in my mind):

A picture named M2

We've added these settings to the configuration profile form:

A picture named M3

This results in mails like this one:

A picture named M4

We've also added another important feature which is the ability to send links to the web UI:

A picture named M5

This results in mails like this one:

A picture named M6

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