Following up on Bruce's post about OpenNTF's new status, here is some information on how we plan to transition from being an un-incorporated “Alliance” to being a nonprofit corporation, with a Board of Directors, and all the advantages and responsibilities that go along with being incorporated.  

There are two really important things to note:

1. The new structure, as defined in the Bylaws, requires that the Contributors elect three Directors to the Board. There had been complaints that individuals could not be “members” of OpenNTF.  So, while the “members” are still corporations, we have set up a mechanism where leading individuals can participate and be elected to the board.  All Contributors who are covered by ICLAs or CCLAs are eligible to vote for these Directors.

2. All members (ie companies/organizations) need to sign new Membership Agreement.  We would like to have as many companies as possible sign up before the end of September, so that they can participate in the election of the Directors.  It doesn't matter whether you are currently a member or not.  We will elect nine Directors who will represent these corporate members of OpenNTF.  

During the next two months, we will be encouraging all companies who are involved with OpenNTF software to sign up – so that they can participate in the direction (technical and otherwise) of the new organization.  

The first week of October will be the period for nominating both kinds of Directors – those representing Contributors and those representing companies.  Nominations will close October 7.
Those nominated will then be able to make their pitches – and voting will be from October 13-17.  

The new Board of Directors for OpenNTF Inc. will then take office on October 18, with the first Board meeting scheduled, by teleconference, for October 20.  It is likely that at that time, the existing Alliance will disappear, and the responsibility for the website and all other OpenNTF activities will be transferred to the new nonprofit.

The signed agreements should be faxed to +1 845-491-7347 or a scanned copy should be sent to

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