Enhanced validation of dojo form controls in context of partial execution events

// *********************************************************************************
// * Copyright 2014 CROSS-WOKRS AG, Adrian Osterwalder
// * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// *
// * Written by Adrian Osterwalder, CROSS-WORKS AG, www.cross-works.net
// * Description: This JS-Code limits the XPages validation of partial execution 
// *              events to the specified exexId for all Dojo Form Controls (Dijits)
// *              of the extension library
// * 
// * Code is using the hijacking/publishing method of Tommy Valand
// * published under the Apache License
// * http://dontpanic82.blogspot.ch/2010/01/xpages-hijackingpublishing-partial.html
// *********************************************************************************

// hijack validate all function
function hijackAndPublishValidateAll() {
	require(["dojo/_base/connect"], function(connect){

		if(XSP.hijackAndPublishValidateAll != true){
			console.info("hijack the XSP.validateAll functions and publish events 'queryValidateAll' and 'postValidateAll'");

			// Hijack the partial refresh
			XSP._inheritedValidateAll = XSP.validateAll;
			XSP.validateAll = function(formId,valmode,execId) {

				// Publish before
				connect.publish('queryValidateAll', [formId,valmode,execId]);

				// call orginal function
				var result = this._inheritedValidateAll(formId,valmode,execId);

				// Publish after
				connect.publish('postValidateAll', [formId,valmode,execId]);

				return result;
		XSP.hijackAndPublishValidateAll = true

// Globals
var CXW = {};
CXW.tempDisabledDijits = {};

CXW.recursivlyFindWidgets = function(domNode){
	var allWidgets = {};
	return allWidgets;

CXW._recursivlyFindWidgets = function(allWidgets,domNode){
	require(["dijit/registry","dojo/_base/array"], function(registry,array){
		var widgets = registry.findWidgets(domNode);
		array.forEach(widgets, function(widget, i){
			allWidgets[widget.id] = widget;

// Activate session monitoring
require(["dojo/ready", "dojo/_base/connect", "dojo/_base/window", "dojo/_base/array", "dijit/registry", "dijit/form/TextBox"], function(ready, connect, window, array, registry, TextBox){

		// hijack the validation function

		// subscribe to the 'queryValidateAll' event
		connect.subscribe('queryValidateAll', null, function(formId,valmode,execId){

			// check if execId is set
			if(execId && execId != ""){

				// find all widgets in body and disable the Dijits
				var allWidgets = CXW.recursivlyFindWidgets(window.body());
				for(var key in allWidgets){
					var widget = allWidgets[key];
							CXW.tempDisabledDijits[widget.id] = widget.attr("disabled");
						} else {
							CXW.tempDisabledDijits[widget.id] = false;
						widget.attr("disabled", true);

				// find all widgets within execId and re-enable this dijits
				var validateWidgets = CXW.recursivlyFindWidgets(dojo.byId(execId));
				for(var key in validateWidgets){
						var widget = validateWidgets[key];
							widget.attr("disabled", CXW.tempDisabledDijits[key]);
							delete CXW.tempDisabledDijits[key];

		// subscribe to the 'postValidateAll' event
		connect.subscribe('postValidateAll', null, function(formId,valmode,execId){
			// restore all disabled Dijits
			for(var key in CXW.tempDisabledDijits){
				var widget = registry.byId(key);
					widget.attr("disabled", CXW.tempDisabledDijits[key]);
			CXW.tempDisabledDijits = {};
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